When does it start?
Short answer: Sundown.
Longer answer: In the summer months, the sunset is around 8-8:15pm. We will begin the first movie around 7:45 - a good balance of 'not too late' and 'it's dark enough we can see the screen'. We will revisit when the days get shorter in the fall.
Do I need to bring food?
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: We will have popcorn and usually some water and soda. Usually it ends up being like a potluck, but don't feel obligated to bring anything. We will have a fire, so feel free to bring things to cook over the fire!
Do I need to bring a chair?
Short answer: Probably.
Longer answer: We have chairs, but people usually brin their own and/or a blanket. If it's dry, we sit in the lawn. Spoiler: We have never actually sat on the lawn.
Can I bring my girlfriend/boyfriend/friend/person I found on the side of the road?
Short answer: Yes!
Longer answer: Absolutely!
Can I bring my children/underage acquaintances?
Short answer: Sometimes.
Longer answer: It really depends on how comfortable you are with them seeing the movies we are showing that night. Some nights have kids movies. We show these first so little ones can go home and go to bed. Each movie on our Information page has a link to the parental guide, if you'd like to make sure. Also, people typically drink alcoholic beverages at this function, but it's definitely not a rager or anything.
Do I need to RSVP if I can't make it?
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: It's a standing invitation, so you are welcome to come whenever you can and don't have to feel bad if you can't make it or don't like the movies that night. Alternately, we try and show the more family friendly, less scary movies first. If you would like to come for just some of the time, you're welcome to. As a wise lady once said to me: you do you.
Will we watch 'The Lost Boys' every Halloween?
Short answer: Maybe.
Longer answer: If I had my way, yes. But for the record, a lot of you haven't seen that movie and it's a crime and if we don't watch it at movie night I actually have an extra copy I could lend you.
Will it rain every single August movie night?
Longer answer: We can only hope not.
Short answer: Probably.